Treatment: Treatment used as an experimental variable in a series of experiments.
None No special treatment or protocol applies No treatment or prot
diffProtB_24hr Oct4 repression with Doxycycline in ZhBTc4 ES cell culture harvested at 24 hours. Doxycycline added to a final concentration of 100 ng/ml (Stam) 24 hour diff protocol B
diffProtB_6hr Oct4 repression with Doxycycline in ZhBTc4 ES cell culture harvested at 6 hours. Doxycycline added to a final concentration of 100 ng/ml. (Stam) 6 hour diff protocol B
diffProtC_24hr 24 hour differentiation time point of mG/ER cells towards red blood cells after treatment with estradiol. Estradiol 10^-7 M final concentration (Stam) 24 hour diff protocol C
diffProtC_48hr 48 hour differentiation time point of mG/ER cells towards red blood cells after treatment with estradiol. Estradiol 10^-7 M final concentration (Stam) 48 hour diff protocol C

Total = 5